All is well in Zion ;) [please tell me someone gets that].
I cannot beleive its Oct 20th. Two weeks from my birthday people! Time to assumble the packages with all the ribbons and the bows. These are a few of my favorite things! Get 'em out quick! Haha just kidding just kidding.
No, I don't know anything about visas.
So this week. Oh goodness:
I think it will be easier to explain if I just start listing people, so
Abdul- is our new Muslim investigator! He is awesome awesome and so chilarious! I love him. after the lesson he says, "What do you sisters like to drink?" And we're like, "uhhhh water? Juice?" and he gets into his BMW and comes back with smoothies for us! And he hads them to us and goes, "You are like my sister." We said, "Oh what is your sister like?" And he laughs and says, "No- my sister is six. You aren't like her. I mean you are like my sisters to me." Sooooo cute.
Serafina- is one of my favorite humans. She's Chinese and coming back to church. I get to teach her in Chinese and she says she likes it because she thinks God gives me more power when I teach in Chinese. I love her. She also prays so hard that her mom will believe in God and learn about the gospel.
Makaela- is my favorite too. She's already a member. She shows up at the institute spontaneously and is deciding this week what she's going to do. Prayers!
Tina- is passed on... to the Elders. Gaw my heart.
Caroline- is my new ninvestigaor. She was really confused when I brought her to Mandarin Sunday School and then when I and two RMs turned to her in Chinese and said, "What did you think?" inChinese she freaked out and gaspend, "ah! foreigners!" hahahhaa. priceless.
Sierra- is a member we took contacting adn she rocked it! She was extending committments before I was and everytime she was like, "Ok ok Ill do better next time." So cute
Irene- is Sister Allred's friend from high school who is Taiwanese! She agreed to let me practice teaching the lessons to her in Chiense even though she's not intersted. Woot!
JW- is a man we had to drop because he's wandered off onto forbidden paths and is lost. See 2 Ne 2:11-13 and it boils down our conversations with him. But! We have him the lessons completely through song. So that was cool.
Also- UW campus is now advedrtising our English class FOR us! And regualrily recommending students! :) :) Got that done this week!
And- I sang to an old man in the unsafe Safeway store this week (thats a joke mom). He liked it. People clapped.
So those are just a few of the people in my life this week. I wish I had time to talk about all the members like I want to. :(
5 Funny Moments this Week:
- Turning out setting up a "date" with someone that turns into a lesson is the #1 finding technique.
- Last week I was trying to spell the sound for spit- for that story- so I asked my district how to put the sound into writing. Then I was logging off later I was frustrated and went "psssh". Elder Carpenter said, "pssh? That's P-S-S-S-H" And I said, ". . . what are you talking about?" and then realized and started laughing.
- Sister Allred was trying to help Sister Imai with her accent. Every morning I hear Sister Allred say, "Raw Raw Raw" and Sister Imai go, "Wu-oo Wuh-oo Wa-oo" after here ahaha
- President Choi says, "If you dont write me every week, I will stop your moneys." Like any good father.
- Presdient Choi (he's korean) also said this week, "Open your eyes wide. I can't open my eyes as wide as you, but I am opening". Haha. He went on, "Missionaries keep eyes open to find investigators. Everyone else, to find spouse. . .now."
Sooooo I hear BYU aint doing so hott. . . I'm relieved. I can't emotionally handle being absences from success. So glad that trial has passed! #whohaveIbecome. Sadly, the Seahawks lost Sunday too. To the RAMS! Omgsh the Rams people what the... but I was the missionary who wasnt supposed to have worldly cares- So I had to be strong for the members, walking around bringing my living water to the emotionally wonded and such.
The atonement covers many pains.
Flu Shots:
I hate them. A mission is humbeling in many ways. For some Elders its gettign over the face that they scream like small children around needles. For Sister Imai its getting a flu shot she doesnt believe in two weeks before she goes home. For Me it's accepting a flu shot that I'm morally against and see no point of. For Sister Allred it's all of the above. . . Missioanaries are dramatic about needles lol. Proof that we're still mostly 18 and 19 ahha.
House Arrest:
We got a fungus amoung us so we were banished to this little area of Sibera called our apartment for two days. Its (Satan's) psycological warfare. After a while you start to fool yourself into thinking you really could be semi-useful instide. But, I built something while I was stuck inside... pcitures/explanation below.
Most Amazing Experince of My Mission So Far:
Last night was the member missionary fireside. I had an amazing experince at the end of it. First, some poor guy got up and said, "Yesterday I got baptized, today confirmed, and now this..." he was speaking to two chapels full of people haha. Poor guy. He also said that when the missionaries told him about it he was like, "Oh do I need to bring marshmellows?" "What?" "Well.. fireside right?" haha. Antoher new convert got up and talked about how he had 30 questions typed out- so the Elders got scared so they called in reinforcements including 12+ members, a bishop, a stake presidnet, and eventually president Choi who is a general authority. One President couldn't evcen answer, so he went home and studied it and talked to the brethern adn sent it back to the investigaotr in writing the next day. That's my president!
But after, Elder Rainy was talking to a blind and deaf man (you put him hands on your hands and sign to him) and Elder Rainy told me to come over. He puts the man's hands on mine and says. "Okay now tell him your name." Lucklily, my companion who is fluent is ASL (Sister Allred) taught me the alphabet two days earlier so I could! So I did and the man starts signing and tells me about football, and growing up in Texas, and the Dallas Cowboys, and his conversation, and the whole time Elder Rainy translated for me. Then when I wanted to say something Elder Rainy would make me sign it myself. It was soooo cool. I am so so thankful he did that for me, so I could talk to this sweet man. I can't imagine what life is like for him, to have someone almost always translate for you, but it was one of the most touching experinces of my life. Both because his story was touching and he was so kind, and because Elder Rainy was toughful enough to escort him everywhere and translate for him, and to translate for my and give me encouragement that I really could talk to him. And I could! [Elder Rainy's father is death so he's also fluent]. It was suuuuuuch an amazing experience.
I'll be forever grateful.
Remember! attutude is half the battle!
K now pictures :)
This is the wall, the wall I made while under house arreset. The left couple columns are about a booth on campus and the Member Area Book (tracking member's missionary committments. We made it just for our ward). The right three columns are the doctrine and principles for teaching/helping members do missionary work. Remember! Sharing the gospel is not sharing paper people!